Active Gloucestershire partners with CSG to repurpose old laptops for community benefit

12th June 2024 | Lizzie Homer | Uncategorised


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Active Gloucestershire is delighted to continue its great relationship with CSG – Computer Services Group by announcing a new collaboration with CSG to renew life back into seven old staff laptops that would have otherwise been disposed of. In an inspiring act, CSG has offered to factory wipe and repurpose the laptops at no cost, providing a valuable resource for local community initiatives.

Active Gloucestershire identified an opportunity to turn potential e-waste into a beneficial asset for the community. Rather than sending the outdated laptops away for disposal, Active Gloucestershire approached CSG for their expertise in technology solutions. CSG eagerly stepped forward, offering their services to refurbish the laptops, ensuring they are in optimal condition for reuse.

This partnership is a perfect example of how organisations can work together to promote sustainability and community welfare. As a result of repurposing these laptops, a reduction of electronic waste will occur whilst providing valuable technology resources to those in need, supporting digital inclusion and educational opportunities. The refurbished laptops will be distributed and donated to 3 local organisations consisting of: CCP, Glos Death Association and ADHD Hub Glos who will then be donating the laptops to volunteers and community group members.

CSG’s generous offer to factory wipe and repurpose the laptops highlights their dedication to corporate social responsibility. This initiative not only supports environmental sustainability by reducing e-waste but also enhances digital accessibility within the Gloucestershire community.

Louise Silver, Operations Manager at Active Gloucestershire said “We are thrilled to partner with CSG to refurbish our old laptops, helping us to reduce electronic waste and providing valuable resources to local organisations. This initiative not only promotes sustainability but also enhances digital accessibility within Gloucestershire.”

Dameon Merilaht, Senior Account Manager, at CSG, commented, “We find it rewarding as a company to be able to assist Active Gloucestershire with their ongoing IT support. The recent project of refurbishing 5 laptops emphasises Active Gloucestershire’s commitment to supporting the sustainability goals of the local community, which aligns with our own core values.”

Eve Oliver, Marketing Manager, at CSG emphasises the benefits of partnering with IT professionals to help achieve your company goals. “There is more demand than ever for organisations to be as environmentally conscious as possible, this is something that Active Gloucestershire has taken great focus upon which emphasises their commitment to the wider community and environment.”

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